大智若愚的许三多,有点像Forest Gump. 执着到执拗的坚持,让他不论是什么境地都能过有意义的生活,把不放弃不抛弃六个字贯彻始终。他的缺点也是他的优点,不仅成就了自己,也成就了身边的人。其实我最先喜欢上的是史今班长。最后喜欢上的是屠夫袁朗。这部电视剧塑造了太多个性鲜明的人物,没有一个完美,却又个个可爱,个个令人难忘,连本来最讨厌的成才最后都获得了我的大拇哥。现在轮到我羡慕还没有看过这部剧的眼睛了。
The Wire has transcended the tropes of police drama and looks at the human conditions, the human ecology of certain social groups who are often neglected, forgotten or even rejected by the mainstream of a society. It puts you right into their community and show you both the pretty and ugly sides, both the virtues and vices without flinching, thus avoiding depicting them from an outsider's perspective. In other words, The Wire manages to represent these groups without giving them a sense of otherness, and that is something truly admirable.