play by Arthur Miller // The trouble with you is, you don't believe in anything. And ur trouble is you believe in anything. // I like to keep abreast of my ignorance // You have such a talent for ignoring things. I ignore what I gotta ignore // U don't realize how much ppl can hate. They can hate so much they'll tear the world to pieces. // U can never owe sb. without resenting them. // Every man does have a star. A star of one's honesty. U spend ur life groping for it, but once it's out it never lights again. // War and peace, it's nickels and dimes, what's clean? // Forget now. Live. 结尾哭惨
对发生在殖民者和捕猎者之间的爱情实在喜欢不起来,辽阔的非洲背景下,这场婚恋和自由的较量未免有些微不足道,共享校霸(N)作者:一粒笋对于土著的关怀也表现得宛若领导视察。Meryl Streep是乐观豁达型独立女性专业户。摄影加一星。